The gaming world has changed. Most studios have traded making a really great game with replay value for churning out a once-a-year title that keeps you occupied until any other new title is released. This is especially true to the first-person shooter genre. I played Halo 3 for years and never got bored, now when a new Halo or CoD is released I play for maybe 3 months before losing interest. Sure there's some exceptions to this, mainly anything coming out of Naughty Dog or for me the Mass Effect series, but it seems to be the new norm.
Enter Overwatch. I can't stress enough how much this game has renewed my faith in gaming. I love MOBA's like DOTA because they're different every time you play. An endless number of characters to choose from offering their own unique talents and an emphasis on "work as a team or you're screwed" gameplay. It requires you to actually think instead of running around blindly attacking everything in sight and every round feels almost like an entirely different game. Sure, this has been adapted to the first-person shooter genre before but nobody has done it quite like Blizzard.
For those who have yet to play, Overwatch is as stated an objective based team first-person shooter staring 21 playable characters from 4 different categories (attack, defense, tank, or support), all with their own unique abilities. Teams have to choose their characters based on the objective, wether they're attacking or defending, and also to counter any troublesome members of the opposing team. I have to say that the character balance is amazing. With the exception of a few you really feel like everything is evenly matched. My only gripe is that I don't think that more than one of any given character should be allowed on one team. It makes games seem generic and takes the diversity that I love so much out of play.
I can honestly say that I have not enjoyed a game this much in a long time. The characters are all iconic in their own way and most importantly it's just FUN. Playing solo is satisfying but it really comes together when playing with friends on a team when you can communicate properly.